Register for Nepal Mission

According to the Joshua Project, Nepal is an unreached country with a 1.4% Christian population. Nepal has about 269 different unreached people groups (UPGs). We partner with MFCI, Minorities for Christ International, for our short term mission trips in Nepal. We have ministered to the Nepalese and Tibetan believers in the past 6 years. If you are a church leader or medical professional, we invite you to join our team.


1) You must be a born-again, baptized Christian. (Written Testimony required)

2) You must be healthy, able to walk, able to carry your own luggage.

3) You must be actively serving in your own church, and provide a recommendation letter if requested.

4) You must attend all training sessions and have a humble attitude to learn and be educated about cross-cultural issues. You must be a team player!

5) The number 1 rule in missions: BE FLEXIBLE! Schedules and ministries may change suddenly, and you must be flexible to play different roles assigned to you.

TRIP DATES: February 2025

The Nepal trip will no longer be in Oct-Nov due to the busy and crowded season in that part of the world. Their society celebrate the Hindu New Year at that time. So we will shift the time to February.

COST ~ starting at $2200 USD

There might be an option to stop by India and/or Pakistan after our Nepal trip. We may have an extended time of ministry there. If you choose this option, it will cost around $1000 more.


Contact Pastor KC

Pastor KC Liu will be leading the team from Irvine to Nepal.

Email: or text/call at (714)702-6070